Please contact the school by email on dl.0152.enrolments@schools.sa.edu.au to enquire about enrolment vacancies in Reception to Year 6 for 2023.


Online registrations for 2024 have now closed. Please contact the school directly by email on dl.0152.enrolments@schools.sa.edu.au to enquire about the process for 2024 enrolment.

  • Click here to find out when your child can start school
  • Click here to check your zoned primary school.
  • Click here to check the Glen Osmond Primary School zone.


To finalise your registration, you will need to provide the school with the following documents:

Proof of Identity
A copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport.

Proof of Residence

  • If you own your home – a copy of the contract of sale for the property or a recent council rates notice and a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.
    • If you rent a home – a rental agreement and a bond receipt lodged with Consumer and Business Services showing your current residential address – the rental agreement should cover at least the first 12 months the child will be attending the school, and a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.

Visa Documentation

A copy of your child’s visa documentation (if applicable). If your child has limited oral and written English; we expect that they enrol in an Intensive English Language School to develop their English proficiency, where eligible.

Please note that submitting the above documents with your registration it is not an enrolment at the school, it is an application for your child to be placed on our school Enrolment Register. 

School Tours

School tours are held fortnightly on a Tuesday at 10am on even weeks of a school term. Please contact the school by phone or email to book a tour. Please include names of those attending, child’s year level/enrolment year and residential address.